Parents love watching their kids grow up, from those early wobbly steps to their first solo car drive. Of course, you can expect a few mishaps along the way, most of which won’t leave them worse for wear. But some risks are just too hazardous to ignore—including the potential for dental injuries. Each year, one […]

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Kill Bill fans have been pressing for a third installment of the stylized revenge tale since Kill Bill, Volume 2 hit the theaters in 2004. Finally, filmmaker Quentin Tarantino is talking about the long-awaited Volume 3 as if it might soon become a reality. The third movie in the franchise would most likely focus on the now-grown daughter of the […]

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Regular dental checkups should periodically include an important screening for oral cancer, especially as you grow older. Although oral cancers make up less than 3% of all other types, they’re among the most deadly, with a 58% survival rate after five years. Besides hereditary factors, oral cancer is strongly linked to tobacco use, alcohol abuse, […]

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What a difference forty years can make: Dental bridges once occupied the top spot for choices to replace missing teeth until the arrival of dental implants in the 1980s. Today, dental implants are the gold standard for dental restoration. But although bridgework may have lost “first chair” in the orchestra of restorations, it’s still a […]

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