Every year 150,000 people, mostly women over age 50, find out they have a painful condition called trigeminal neuralgia. Also known as facial nerve pain. For many, it begins as an occasional twinge along the face that steadily worsens until the simple act of chewing or speaking. Even a light touch sets off excruciating pain. The […]

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It often begins without you realizing it. Spreading ever deeper into the gums and damaging tissue attachments, teeth, and supporting bone in its way. In the end, it could cause you to lose your teeth. This is periodontal (gum) disease, a bacterial infection caused by dental plaque, a thin biofilm that accumulates on tooth surfaces. […]

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We instinctively know when a smile looks normal—and when it doesn’t. It could be that something simply looks out of place, like crooked teeth. But we might also notice when something is missing—as with one or both of the canine teeth. The canine teeth align just under the eyes and are recognizable by their pointed ends. […]

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